The Culprit - Misinterpretation

Huhuhuhu... hey ... to my friends who have downloaded the indies before.. do forgive me if the setup is not working .. well I do not ( expect it to be working eihter hahaha afterall it is my experiments with the indies...)

Well, fret not.. here I come with another set of ( working?? not working ?? you'll just have to find out) indies...

Anyway.. this is just my canvas of concepts.. and I'm not gonna throw any pointers ... or trading rules with it...

Just a screen capture of what my trading screen...


Err... fyi.. my previous setup does not work so well... mainly because ... I don't know / I misinterpret the signals... / crossess... huhuhu... and it cost me...

Well mistakes learned ... thank god I get another fresh ideas by studying samples of other (people) success setups.. ( not by me of course ) huhuhu...

Are u enjoys??


p/s: got paid today from profit swinger !! 150% in 10 days

Correlation Regression Strength / Dominant Currency

Salamunalaikum and greetings to all,

All right guys, the topic for the day is "Mirror Factor/Correlation Coefficient - Dominant Currency".

A pretty scary and complicated topic one might think but I'll try to make it easy for all to understand.

Okay let me read the topic again hehe..

"Mirror Factor/Correlation Coefficient - Dominant Currency".

Mirror Factor/Correlation Coefficient – What's this? Certain currency pairs have an intimate relationship with the price change of their “cross pairs”. Surprise, they are not all obvious! However once you know which one is the leader and which one is the lagger you just found an arbitrage opportunity!

Source : ActionForex

Take for example these two currency pairs in the above graph/picture:


Note that USD is present in both pairs but in opposite side. We all knows that if USD if strong (highly priced) this will effect both currency pairs in different ways.. eg.. E/U will down , U/J will rise (up). This mirror effect also wil enable us to evaluate how strong is USD strength. We simply cannot conclude that just because E/U pair is rising it is because USD strength is overwhelming; it might simply caused by the weak euro currency. Thus, we can evaluate the strength by looking at the condition of U/J pair, if E/U is down and U/J is rising at the same rate or spread, it is a good indication that USD is in fact exceptionally strong.

Ok, I know the above explanation is quite confusing so let put this way:

First; say that initially (Nov05) EU = 1.1877 and UJ = 117.32;

note you can see the normal divergence / mirror effect relation between both pairs.

and that later in Dec05 EU = 1.2106 (up from previous data ) and UJ = 116.55 (down);
from here we can see that USD (currency that present in both EU and UJ pairs) does not have much control (weak against) Euro but still influences Yen.

let say much later result saw; EU = 1.2095 and UJ = 117.78 ; note that the (divergence) difference between EU and UJ were smaller. From this we can safely say that USD is (in the process) trying to become dominant again over EU.

Got it? Let us test our understanding on the subject by trying to figure out the dominancy of USD over EU and UJ pairs:

(answers at the bottom of this post)

Given the below data:

Early MAR06 : EU= 1.1921 UJ=119.21


Mid MAR06 : EU= 1.2050 UJ=119.00 USD Dominancy ??
Early APR06 : EU= 1.2071 UJ=118.71 USD Dominancy ??

Overall Summary : ??
Trading Decision: ??


Early MAR06 : EU= 1.1921 UJ=119.21
Mid MAR06 : EU= 1.2050 UJ=119.00 USD Dominancy ?? *not dominant against Euro
Early APR06 : EU= 1.2071 UJ=118.71 USD Dominancy ?? *weak dominant against Yen

Overall Summary : ?? *USD have weak dominancy against YEN, not dominant on Euro.
Trading Decision: ?? *Short for UJ / Long For EU

All right I think that is about it; credits to mnm71 and parasitamus for the above lesson.
Thanks guys.